Interesting and helpful online resources(still adding links, more german one at the moment, I will change that so you find german recources on my german page and english ones here)
Costume and fursuit construction (englisch)
Hier bietet die Special Effects-Schmiede "Stan Winston Studios" (Jurassic Park, Terminator, Aliens...) Video-Lektionen zu diversen Spezialeffekten an (Maskenbau, Animatronik, Ganzkörperkostüme, Modellieren, Schminken, Story-Boards...). Die Videos sind kostenpflichtig, aber (in meinen Augen) ihr Geld immer wert.
Mein Tipp: In den Vorschauen stöbern, sich eine Liste machen und auf eine der häufigen Rabatt-Aktionen warten - es gibt zu jedem größeren Feiertag der USA, zu Film-Jubiläen und auch manchmal einfach so bis zu 50% Rabatt, sodass eine 2-4 stündige Videolektion am Ende bei 9,99 Dollar liegt (als Stream, den man jederzeit und beliebig oft ansehen kann), also ca. 8 Euro. Das ist es wirklich wert.
Tierwesenbau auf (german)
A great collection of building helps, pictures, links, tutorials... (german)
Tiohs Fursuit-Tutorial on (german)
Good overview of the different parts of a fursuit, nice introduction in animatronic mechanisms.
YouTube-channel von Ge[Bastelt] (german)
Many interesting and helpful videos concerning cosplay and basic materials, nice for beginners.
Bezugsquellen für Material
Sounds strange, but is really great if your're lazy with googling or in a hurry, because you can find nearly everything. Sometimeyou need the right key words for searching or you get lost, and if you're on a budget, you should check in time, but then you can really save money, esp. on leather and fur. (German shop)
Cosplay shop, here you can get thermoplastics like Wonderflex, Cobracast and Worbla's Finest Art. (German shop)
Source for special-effects-material and stuff for maskmaking like latex, silicone, foam latex plus theatrical make-up and fake blood.
Inspiration and like minds (mostly englisch)
Online-Plattform for artists who want to share, admire and compare art. Some say it's the YouTube for artists", but that's wrong - dA is much nicer. The comment you earn there are friendly, helpful, constructive, sometimes just excited, but they never become the muddy battlefield that you know from YouTube. Here you can get enouragement, feedback and online friends, if you want them.
Membership is free (premium membership gets you some nice extras, but it's absolutely great without).).